Trinket Boxes

Trinket Boxes

A talismanic trinket box, bringing joy to both the giver and receiver.

Trinket Boxes

A trinket box of talismanic beauty provides a perfect way to mark any occasion. It can be a vehicle to communicate a special message: whether the import is romantic or comical, mysterious or mood-lifting, whimsical or a witticism.

Created in solid oak or walnut the trinket box is decorated with a unique marquetry design inspired by your ideas and your personal message.

Let your imagination run riot in the creation of a unique trinket box . We can guarantee it’s a gift that is as much fun in the giving as it is in the receiving.

A trinket box is simple to order. Just email with your choice of wood, (oak or walnut), your preferred box shape (oval or oblong) your message to the recipient and a description of the image you would like to see conveyed in marquetry. Our designers will create an artist’s impression for your perusal. On approval Wheathills will create your bespoke trinket box and despatch the gift to your instruction.

Box dimensions are length 6.25’’ (160mm), width 2.25’’ (57mm) and height is 1.75’’ (45mm).

Prices start from £495

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